ARION Features Explained – New videos!
After months of hard work we’ve finally finished two new videos which showcase the ARION features and how it will help you improve your running technique. Special thanks goes out to our runners Jonathan Mutebwa and Marta Pape for helping us and for withstanding a freezing night and a freezing morning in full running gear, our video team VLA Films and our photographer Peter van Nobelen.
ARION promo video
In this promo video you’ll get an impression of how ARION will help you improve your running technique and reduce your risk of injury.
ARION features video
This video walks you through all of the details of ARION, including what it is, which running metrics it measures and how you’ll be coached by ARION.
Follow the button below to learn more about ARION or you can read this blog post we made on how ARION will improve your running technique.
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