ARIONCOACH helps runners improve their technique to run faster, longer and safer using smart insoles and an intelligent coaching AI.

If you need help setting up your ARIONCOACH, visit our ARIONCOACH onboarding page with a step by step guide on how to get started with ARIONCOACH. Learn more here.

ARIONCOACH is suitable for runners of all performance levels and ages. However, we believe it’s best suited for runners and triathletes looking to improve their technique, distance, speed or reduce their risk of injuries.

The ARION smart insoles measure the interaction between your feet and the ground. Its coaching AI will help you towards an improved running technique.

The adaptive coaching AI helps you to focus on one aspect of your technique and to reach your goals using real-time audio feedback.

This feature is currently being beta tested and will be launched soon.

ARION has decided to go mobile first. You can now see all your data directly from your mobile phone.